Data Lake Storage Gen2 vs. Amazon S3

June 15, 2021

Data Lake Storage Gen2 vs. Amazon S3: Clash of the Titans

When comparing cloud storage solutions, many factors come into play. Two giants of the game are Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Amazon S3. Both offer massive scalability, high availability, and unlimited storage capabilities. But which one reigns supreme? In this post, we will compare and contrast Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Amazon S3 to empower you to make the best decision for your cloud storage solution.


Pricing is always a critical factor when choosing any cloud solution. Data Lake Storage Gen2 provides a simple pricing plan for data storage: $0.0004 (USD) per gigabyte (GB) stored per month. On the other hand, Amazon S3 has a tiered pricing structure based on usage frequency, with charges ranging from $0.023 to $0.0007 (USD) per GB stored per month, depending on the amount of storage used, data transfer costs, and request volumes. Hence, for a small-scale project, Data Lake Storage Gen2 is likely the more cost-effective option, while Amazon S3's pricing may be more favorable for mid to large-scale projects.


Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Amazon S3 are extremely scalable and can be used for any size project. Data Lake Storage Gen2 can store up to 5 petabytes of data in a single account, while Amazon S3 can store up to 5 terabytes per object and an unlimited number of objects. This means there is no need to worry about running out of storage space.


Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Amazon S3 both offer great performance but differ in some aspects. Data Lake Storage Gen2 is equipped with a Hierarchical File System (HFS), enabling optimized data access and management, remarkably increasing file transfer speed. It also provides advanced analytics and big data capabilities. On the other hand, Amazon S3's peak performance is 5,000 requests per second per prefix, and it scales to 3500 PUT/POST/DELETE and 5500 GET requests per second across all prefixes in a given bucket.


Security is a concern with any cloud storage solution. Data Lake Storage Gen2 offers granular user access and control options, ensuring that sensitive data is secure. Furthermore, it is tightly integrated with the Azure Active Directory to support multi-factor authentication and systems security. Amazon S3 protects client data by offering various security options, from access control to server-side encryption using AES-256.

The Verdict

Both storage solutions are powerful tools, and the best one solely depends on the project's specific requirements. Data Lake Storage Gen2 offers lower pricing and better performance, which makes it a good candidate for small to medium-sized projects. On the other hand, Amazon S3's versatility makes it an excellent choice for data-intensive projects.

Overall, Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Amazon S3 are fantastic cloud storage options. To determine which one fits your project requirements best, it is important to consider factors such as cost, performance, scalability, and security.


  1. Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  2. Amazon S3 Pricing
  3. Azure Active Directory

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